Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I am soooo pumped

This is going to be one of the few time that I will write about my day to day life. I usually only write about stuff that I am working on or random thoughts. This time I want to fill you in on something very cool happening in my neck of the woods.

We have Hot Dog Lunch every Tuesday here at the church. Around 200 youth show up from Valley View Sec. just up the street from the church. We as a church have been doing this for almost four years and it has grown into this huge thing. The cool thing is the students feel safe here. They know that we just want to love them and not ram a Bible down their throats.
Well, about a month ago, the school had a bomb threat and it had to evacuate the students. All of the student stood out in cold (one of the few not so nice days here) for nearly two hours. Long story short, we ended up with 50-60 youth hanging out in out building for part of this time.

I say all of that to tell you about what happened today. Being Tuesday we had Hot Dog Lunch and this was our last week for the school year. We went through 45 large pizzas and had students that didn't even get a slice. There were so many students on campus today. I just kept thinking about our Wednesday night youth service called Core. A youth group of 200+ that would rock. I believe it is going to happen. Back to the story. While the students were woofing down pizza, three faculty members from the school came over to check things out. One of which was the principle of the school. They asked a few questions about what we do and if the student behave themselves while they are here. Now this is the part that gets me pumped up. They went on to ask if they could call a meeting with us to discuss options for us being a part of their contingency plan. They would like us to be a safe place to send students if there is a bomb threat, fire, or whatever would require them to evacuate the school.

They came to us! This is a big win in my eyes. We also told them that we want to make ourselves and the church available to them in other ways as well. PTA meetings, student life events, whatever they need I hope we can be there to give it to them. I am just so excited to know that we are making an impact on the school and it isn't just with the students. Teachers, parents, and students working with us. This is so cool and I had to let you all know about it.

If you think about it, pray that God would blow the doors wide open and that we would have the faith to walk through them. We want to walk in wisdom and love not only when it comes to these students, but the lives that can be impacted through them as well.

Thanks for letting me celebrate a little bit.