Thursday, February 15, 2007

Favorite Comments So Far

Here are a few of my favorite comments that I have received along the way. They aren’t meant to be funny, but I thought they were worth repeating.

Oops, I can't apparently spell my own name.

Worship is not just singing. I believe it's a mindset, one of gratitude to God and awareness of his love throughout our days. I believe we can worship God throughout our day whether we're digging ditches, wiping runny noses, playing an instrument, helping a neighbor, shopping for groceries, writing a book, or running a marathon. Yes, I believe we have the choice whether or not to worship--God never forces; we always have a choice - but ideally in anything we do, we should present ourselves as a living sacrifice.

I'm sad you deleted my comment. It's a compliment when I rib you to post more. It means I'd like to read more. Sorry. I have a sarcastic nature is all.
(Just for the record, I have never deleted a comment.)

I like to make a practice of taking time out of my day to sit with God, and just dream. B/c like I've heard before is that God will give you the desires of your heart, but as you continue to seek him, his desires become your desires.

Make you a deal. If you post again, I'll link you.

I like to here from you the reader. It helps me gage where I’m at in my thinking. Comment more I don’t mind. I might even do a year in review next year. Sounds like a good time.